Sunday, November 8, 2009

AASL Conference in Charlotte (Nov. 2009) - News you can use!

Thank you for your wonderful reception and interest in my Exploratorium
 10 Bucks = 10 Great Ideas.
The ideas developed, using dollar store and thrifty finds
 are intended to
 "Help the Brain Fall in Love with Learning".
(Marco Torres AASL-Nov. 7'09, Charlotte)

Where do you go from here?
To do List:
• Identify one idea that sparked your interest and make it happen
   next week. Start small. Baby steps will move you forward.

• Embrace a new way of seeing and doing on your next dollarstore and
  thrifty excursion. Make your visit a cerebral adventure.
  Reinvention is your new friend.

• Focus on developing activities that have students communicate their
   understanding in a fun and interesting way.

• Accept the monthly challenge.

The Monthly Challenge:
Each month a new dollarstore or thrifty item will be posted.
I invite you to share your ideas.

November Item:

1. The Trading Card Collector Card Sleeve

   Image from:
2. Develop and share an activity that can engage students in literacy and
    learning. You have the power of  imagination.
3. Please post your idea in the comment box or send an email.
Once again thank you for your interest.
Reinvention is the new mother of invention.

Resourcefully yours,
The Dollar Store Lady
Julia Andreacchi

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