Thursday, November 18, 2010

Savannah and More!

Thank you for your interest in my presentation.
The link to the PPt.  from
The Georgia Conference on Information Literacy,
 Savannah, Ga Oct. 1-2, 2010 is as follows:
1. Rationale
2. PowerPoint

The following link:

from my presentation at the AASL can also serve as a 
source of informtion and a starting point
for your own creativity. 

Reinvention is Key!
Something old is new again.

The Challenge Contiues...
Thrifty Store Items to Consider...Engage your inner imagination
1.  Puzzle Blocks

2.  Clay Pot

Image from:

3.  Envelopes

Book of the Month

To be continued...
Resourcefully yours,

Julia Andreacchi
All Rights Reserved
DollarDaze and Thrifty Finds

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Let The Games Begin!

Good News!
I have the honour of being selected to showcase my
DollarDaze and ThriftyFinds 
ideas at the Georgia Information Literacy Conference.
I will post my PPt. presentation shortly.
See you in Savannah, Georgia on October 2st, 2010.

Thank you for your patience...I appreciate your committment to my blog and in sharing your ideas and comments with me.  This month the focus is on:

Games--Reinventing an Old Game
with the purpose of educating students.

With the focus on computer technology in the classroom I will make connections to internet links that will also support the activities listed.

The mindfulness of creativity, imagination and resourcefulness
 drives the process of Reinvention.

1. What’s in a name? -- Adapted from The Rachael Ray Show

A. Purpose: Vocabulary Development and Review

List all vocabulary unique/new selected from a novel chapter or specific terminology from a subject of study eg. Science. List can be generated/studied/defined and posted on a word wall as the chapter is read and/or as the unit is studied.

To make the process of learning words/terms/vocabulary interesting…have students generate as many new words that they can from the existing word. Create groups, impose time-limits and announce a winner.

This activity can be played at the end of a chapter discussion or the end of a unit of study. The purpose is to reinforce vocabulary in an interesting format and to encourage thinking and the development of new vocabulary…Scrabble is Reinvented!

Eg. Chromosomes = Some, Mess, Moss, Rose, Cross, Home, So...

Use 2 words in a sentence plus the word that generated the new words. -- will help students build a word wall -- Students can use this link to check their work againt the  list generated by the computer.

2. Tic – Tac – Squares
A. Purpose: Content/Chapter Review

Have groups of students develop a series of knowledge questions that will help them review and consolidate ideas garnered in the unit/chapter study. Bloom's Taxonomy can direct question development. Questions should be reviewed/evaluated by the teacher. Give students feedback and then place questions in a box.

Divide class into 2 groups…”X’s” and “O’s”. Play the game accordingly by drawing one question at a time to be answered from the box. One group member will volunteer the group consensus. A wrong answer gives the other group an opportunity to gain access to that square.

3. Bingo Lingo –
This adaptation of Bingo was developed by a college of my Tim Westhead.

A. Purpose: Content/Chapter Review

Have students randomly number a blank bingo card from numbers 1 to 24 with the centre square assigned as "Free". As in Tac – Tac – Squares students will generate a series of review questions. Evaluate and select 24 questions and number each one separately. This activity becomes a group task and a formal review directed by the teacher.

Draw a question. Have a student answer the question and then have students place the answer in the corresponding numbered box. The teacher can add further discussion and details pertaining to the question. Aim is to work towards Bingo! as a topic or chapter is reviewed in an interesting and fun format. A prize, such as a book mark can be awarded.

Bingo Maker and Additional Ideas For Words and Math reviews.

3. Snakes and Ladders Reinvented –
A. Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge and understanding

An old game takes on new meaning. This game board was developed by a secondary Biology student as a review of the concepts studied -- the Kidney, Form and Function.

Old Games Reinvented ---
  • have students use the game board as a starting point for their own imagination to develop a game that will test or review concepts studied
  • have students use an old game board but have them modify the game rules to fit the concepts that they are testing or reviewing
The October 2010 Challenge
Thrift Shop Finds!
Please share with me...

Resourcefully yours,
Julia Andreacchi

All Rights Reserved
Dollar Daze and Thrifty Finds

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Box It!

The Box It! Activities have now been updated....and a
new challenge for April 2010
has been posted below...

Ideas to consider--
There are a variety of boxes (wooden, paper, large, small)
available for purchase at the Dollar Store
that can be used for a variety of activities. Recycle
shoe boxes as well as constructing your own box from
discarded cardboard boxes.

1. Biome in a Box
Select and research a biome.
Create a "Biome in a Box" to illustrate:
the flora and fauna found within the biome as well as the
relationship between the living organisms.
Use found/recycled material and a shoe box.

An excellent source of information for students and
resources for teachers is

A written component to accompany Biome in a Box can include:

Creating a Newspaper Advertisement--Home Wanted
Identify an Organism
Description of Location/Biome
Basic Characteristics of the Home Desired
Other Interesting Information related to Home Ownership
Contact Info. -- Name and Description of Resident seeking Home

2. The faces of the box can act as story boards.


3. The Box can act as a time capsule/memory box--

Decorate the box and enclose10 items that would give insight
 into the character of a novel and his/her conflict.
State why each item was chosen to enclose in the box.

4. Make a Pin Hole Camera with a Juice Box
The project has applications in a variety of subject areas:
eg. Science--the physics of light
English--story telling

5. Thrift is Best!
Recyle an old polaroid camera to create a Pin Hole Camera

5.  Bloom is Reinvented
Utilize the Power of Bloom's Taxonomy to ask Smart Questions
How? Cubing
To address Differentiated Instruction
Retrieve a printable template of a cube
Build the box with a recyled cardboard box.

See the links below for some excellent ideas
The sides of the cubes can each have a challenge activity developed using Bloom's Taxonomy.
Students can select from a variety of activies that will have them producing/creating products based on their preference, interest, to demonstrate learning. 

6. Cut open a box
This looks like a great way to illustrate a process or outcome--what a student has learned...
Your imagination will guide you.

7.  Design a Box
Kiss My Face is a company that manufactures
natural and organic skin care products.
Their packaging is interesting...It is 50% post
consumer recycled material.
In an effort to "do a good thing for the environment and to eliminate
printed brochures they have printed product information on
 the outside and inside of the box. The flap on the box
 makes reference to "thinking inside of the box" and
inviting you to visit

This promoted me to think about a student assignment....
1. Discuss the importance of reduced packaging to the the environment.
2. Select an organic product and design a box for it.
3. Use the "Kiss My Face" box as an exemplar.

4.  Another Box Design could be a Condom Package...
Appropriate for Senior Health and Phy. Ed. Classes
Base the assignment on the concept
designed by The Centre for Biological Diversity.

The April, 2010 Challenge

Reinvent a Game
New ways to play old games...
 to consolidate learning.

See you next month!

May I suggest...

Cardboard crafting with many illustrations  and a variety of projects
Take recycling to the next level!
Patterns included...

Resourcefully yours,
Julia Andreacchi

All Rights Reserved
Dollar Daze and Thrifty Finds

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

The Dollar Daze and Thrifty phenomenon continues with more neat teaching ideas based on a featured monthly find. Thank you for your contributions as we continue to embrace:

"Reinvention is the new Mother of Invention"

The intent is to develop activities where the teacher is talking less and students are doing more.

December Feature

 To help students construct meaning and understanding of a concept with models.
"Making physical models in the creation of non-linguistic representaions stimulates and increases
activity in the brain". (Gerlic & Jausovec, 1999)

Modeling Meaning and Understanding to Reinforce Concepts...

“I make therefore I am.”
Suzanne Ramljak from Crafting a New World, Utne Reader,
Jan/Feb, 2010

In the article entitled Crafting a New World (Utne Reader, Jan/Feb. 2010), Sociologist Richard Sennett explains to Suzanne Ramljak the value of craftsmanship and how creating with your hands is an opportunity for reflection and critical thinking. Creating an object is a concrete representation of our thoughts and understanding and according to Sennett “satisfies a psychological desire for closure and tangible results.”

With teacher demands to cover a vast amount of classroom material less time is available for student reflection and self-analysis of completed tasks. According to Sennett, “We go by the notion that once you’ve solved something, the actual experience of doing it is secondary. That whittles down attention…..First and foremost people believe the most important thing about work is making as much money as possible.”

How does this concept translate into the classroom?
1. Offer students an opportunity to make…to construct meaning and
    understanding of a concept with models.

2. “Ban all-multiple-choice questions in tests, which encourage people to
    get to the quickest answer possible rather than to dwell on
    the problem (Sennett, 2010).”

Ramljak, S. (2010, Jan./Feb.). Crafting a new world. Utne Reader, Retrieved from

One plastic dollar store piggy bank + plasticine =
Model of the Human Brain

One styrofoam head + plasticine = Model of the Human Brain

One Dollar Store Picture Frame + photo of digestive system
+ plasticine = Model of the Digestive System
The photo can be replaced by a number of other illustrations such as other Organs, Maps/Biomes.

Other possible models...
Consider phases of the moon and your imagination...

Next Month's Challenge

Please share with me...

Books of Interest and Inspiration...

1. Art Journaling Magazine
What a great magazine with wonderful ideas that will serve your imagination...
for creating, reinventing, recyling and writing...

Resourcefully yours,

Julia Andreacchi

All Rights Reserved
Dollar Daze and Thrifty Finds