Wednesday, February 8, 2017


California School Library Association Presents

Harvet The Possibilities 2017 State Conference Rohnert Park California
Connect, Collaborate, Grow 

Thank you once again to the CSLA and its members for a warm welcome and their interest in my workshop: Makerspaces.

“I Make Therefore I Am”, a workshop about Maker Activities, created from budget friendly ideas, thrift store finds, was an opportunity for students to unplug their cell phones and to move from the consumption of knowledge into risk-taking and creation.  A number of activities such as:
·      Collage,
·      Knitting,
·      Sewing “Stupid Sock Creatures”
·      100 Sculptures, 100 Artists a project sponsored by Baycrest Health Science
·      St. Basil Great College School Tomato Project
·      Holiday Card Making

Served as models for “Designing Art for Social Causes”.


Images/pics© Julie Andreacchi 2017

"You can't use up creativity...the more you use it the more you have..."
M. Angeliou
Resourcefully yours,
© Julie Andreacchi 2017
All rights reserved
